Text Reader using AI, Text Reader, natural reader,tts reader, text to speech reader, voice reader, natural reader text to speech, text to read in english , natural reader online

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This project is designed to make English listening audio for English learners, but it can also serve other purposes.
Google uses groundbreaking research in speech synthesis (WaveNet) and Google's powerful neural networks to deliver high-fidelity audio, which is much better than what is commonly used to make English listening audio for English learners at present.

  • Uses Google Cloud Text-to-speech Wavenet voices to synthesize
  • Partial SSML support, including the tag that is not supported by Google. This project will handle this tag for you.
  • Friendly SSML editor. The decent-looking and mobile-friendly (thanks to Bootstrap) editor relieves you of typing the tags manually.
  • Dialog Maker to help you transform speaker indicators like "Tony:", "Betty:", etc. to the tags so that these lines will be read by desired voices.
  • Automatically detects lines written in Chinese and have them read by a Chinese voice so that you won't have to manually insert the tags.
  • Save cost. Inserted audio files and will be handled locally in your browser. Previously generated speeches will be reused whenever possible after minor edit to the text.
  • Export the speech to WAV files.
  • Side effects: You can use it as a simple audio joiner, or even an audio-to-wav converter.